Workshop Series: How to create a mobile app to analyse human motion

The LUNEX University invites you to the Professional Workshop: how to create a mobile app to analyse human motion (no programming skills required).

Our Visiting Fellow, Dr Mario Molinara, a Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence expert, will deliver a unique workshop on exploiting mobile app programming for human motion assessment.

Measuring human motion serves several purposes and interests in the fields of Sport, Rehabilitation and Management:

  • Provide valued motor performance and motor abilities outcomes.
  • Define tailored goals for training and recovery.
  • Develop stats of relevant use in the field of Sport Management.

Mobile software applications fed by the motion sensors embedded in mobile phones can be exploited for measuring human motion representing a novel and exciting way to improve objective motor assessment.

The Workshop will take place on the 1st and 3rd of March 2023 at LUNEX University (Room 1.01), 50, Avenue du Parc des Sports, L-4671 Differdange.

The Workshop is delivered in English, free and open to LUNEX students and professionals in Sports and Rehabilitation.

Booking is mandatory, please sign up at indicating:
Name, Surname, Matriculation number (if a LUNEX student) or Field of experience (if an external professional).

The Professional Workshop Programme:

Session 1: 01/03/2023 – 13:30 to 17:00* | Introduction to Machine Learning, data manipulation and data analysis

  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Python and its programming environment
  • Data Manipulation

Session 2: 03/03/2023 – 09:00 to 12:30* | Mobile App installation and data acquisition

  • Machine Learning with Python (examples)
  • App installation
  • App usage for data acquisition

Session 3: 03/03/2023 – 13:30 to 17:00* | Experimenting with real-case scenarios to train and test the App

  • Data acquisition from the real world
  • Training of machine learning algorithms
  • Testing of the application

*mid-way 30 min coffee-break


The LUNEX Workshop Series fosters the maintenance, enhancement and continuous improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities of health and sports professionals and LUNEX students.


50, avenue du Parc des Sports / 4671 Differdange / Luxembourg

Good to know

Application for a Bachelor’s programme:
1. Fill out our Online Application Form.
2. Take part in one of our Application Days. We will invite you to attend in person.
3. After successful participation in the Application Day we will email you with your study agreement. Please print it out, sign it and then send it to LUNEX by post or by e-mail, along with the evidence documents specified in the email.

Application for a Master’s programme:
1. Fill out our Online Application Form.
2. If you have met all the prerequisites for the Master’s programme, we will email you with your study agreement. Please read it carefully, print it out and sign it.
3. In order to complete your application, please send the signed study agreement along with all other required evidence documents by post to LUNEX.

As an applicant for one of our Bachelor’s programmes, you will be invited to attend an Application Day online. A selection procedure will take place on this day to check whether you meet the necessary prerequisites for the course.

More about the Application Day

The language of instruction in all courses at LUNEX is English. You should therefore be able to speak and understand English well. You have the opportunity to participate in the Pre-Bachelor Foundation Programme and improve your English if your language skills do not meet the entrance requirements for study at Bachelor level.

We will inform you in the course of the application process which supporting documents have to be provided and when. In principle, we need the following documents for your application:

  • Copy of your personal ID
  • Copy of the highest educational and/or vocational qualification
  • Language certificate (if applicable)

Depending on the degree programme (Bachelor/Master) and your country of origin (EU/non-EU), further documents may be required. More details will be provided to you in good time.

To secure a study place, we recommend that you send us your documents as soon as possible – but at the latest two weeks before the start of your studies. If you are an applicant from outside the EU, you should note that the application process for a visa can take four to 60 days. Please make sure you give yourself plenty of time.